Since 2019, the IHU FOReSIGHT pour la Vision federates the main players in research and care dedicated to vision diseases. Created by 3 Founding Members (Sorbonne University, Inserm and Hôpital National de la Vision des 15-20), it is centred on the Institut de la Vision and the Hôpital National de la Vision des 15-20.
Its main objectives are to
The Institut de la Vision is an international research centre dedicated entirely to research into vision diseases. Its innovative organisation, which brings together researchers, doctors and industrialists around patients from the 15-20 national hospital, enables new therapeutic or technological solutions to be discovered, tested and developed in order to prevent eye diseases or limit their effects. It enables the sharing of ideas, the emergence of new questions and the acceleration of the transfer of research results to patient care.
All the Institut de la Vision’s activities and projects are coordinated by the Fondation Voir & Entendre, in conjunction with its three supervisory institutions: Sorbonne University, Inserm and the CNRS.
For more informationA national public health establishment specialising in ophthalmology, the Hôpital national des 15-20 carries out the tasks of a university hospital: care, teaching, research and prevention.
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